Recently I did this animation on myself and my skills as a negotiator with rich and powerful clients, based on a real fact that happened to me (if you are planning to offer me a job, just keep in mind this is a joke).
I find interesting the idea of making an animation to laugh about myself, and my friends agreed I'm exactly like my avatar (which I am not sure is a compliment).
Recently a friend of mine opened See Buy Smile: a place where you can buy many things on line for a very interesting price.
To celebrate this event, I did this animation of a naked man that can buy anything he needs just by using my friend's site.
For the music I wanted a boogie and I have found my perfect piece in the song Woogie Boogie by Bob Dylan, and I posted the video on Youtube.
With my big surprise, in just a few seconds Youtube recognized and named the music, and with even bigger surprise, within less than 24 hours they obscured my video in most of the Countries (they kept it visible just in China and a few oders) because it represented a copyright infringement.
This led me to 2 considerations:
1 - If companies really wanted to fight piracy they could do it very easily.
2 - On Youtube you can watch full films on DVD quality, but aparently Sony (the owner of Bob Dylan's song) thought my 40 seconds animation using a piece of music with no voice and 4 views (2 of them were me) could lead their business to disaster.
For the first time I just realized how nowdays creativity is subject to corporations, and this is bad.
Once uppon a time, we were an Eurodemocracy with a Presient changing every 6 months to represent all the Euro Countries and working as a community.
Then our self proclaimed queen Angela Merkel and her mistress Nicola Sarkozy decided it was time to rule uppon us.
Greece is living the worst crisis in modern times and it could be just the first country of a long list.
Today I found out that Germany and its lackey granted a loan to help Greece repaying the debt it had with them, opening the way to restrictions that could oppress people for generations. In change of this big favor, Greece has been forced to buy enormous and useless quantities of wine produced by Germany and France.
No, wait, it's not very expensive wine Greece has been forced to buy, it's... cars? No, no. What was that...?
Yes, now I remember!
To get the loan to save the country and struggle its own population, Germany and France forced Grece to buy enormous and useless quantities of weapons they produced.
Congratulations peaceful Europe: this is a great message to give to humanity. If you're strong you can abuse who is weak. Take advantage of any situations to mind your own business!
And an advice to Greece: try to go back to Germany for another loan, they might be more eager to give you better conditions now that you have the cannons.
I live between London and Italy, and work in motion pictures. I am fortunate enough to work on several projects I like, as a Producer, Director, Writer, Production Manager, Press Officer and many other things that keep me always very busy (maybe too much).
But after all, this is what I like, and this is what I do.