24 May 2011


Cannes - How can you show to someone you just met how important you are in the film industry?
One of the best ways is to demonstrate you know the right people.

An American Producer friend of mine tells me he's interested in doing the remake of a successful Italian film of a couple of years ago, and asks me to find out who owns the rights.
I search for information, and the very next day I succeed in setting up a meeting with the Producer of that film.

Little before the meeting I update my American friend:
- The rights have been just sold to an Italian American Producer who lives in California: Bla Bla Bla.
- Never heard about her.
- But they produced other successful films in Italy and he's looking forward to sell the rights for the remake. He'd like to talk about them to you.
- Bring him here.

So I meet the Italian Producer and walk him to the American one.
While we're all together the Italian says:
- The rights for that film have just been sold to the Producer - pause for more enphasis - Bla Bla. You know her?
- Of corse, how could I not? Is she still married?

The Italian is suddenly imbarrassed and says:
- I actually don't know her that well...

When I attend meetings between big time Producers I'm always fascinated by their talent in shooting high to impress...


Let's dispell a myth, not all the places where you eat in Cannes are overwhelmingly expensive: you just have to avoid the Croisette.
What really destroys you is the culture of easy money.

Evening. I am waiting to see a friend and I stop by in a creperie, sitting at a table outside.
After a while I finished and don't get away, the Waitress comes with the bill: 5 euros.
I put a 20 on the little plate, she thanks me and goes away.
After a few minutes I start thinking she is taking too much time to bring me the change, and when I take a glance in the shop I see her with her arms crossed, killing the time.

In the meanwhile, at the tables of the next restaurant a sudden buzz of excitement raises and Robert De Niro (this year's Festival President), stands. He starts shaking hands, taking pictures and talking to the people around.

So: leaving the table and reach Robert De Niro before he goes away or get into the creperie and tell the Waitress those 15 euros more weren't my appreciation for their crepe?

I start taking notes for this post, waiting for Robert De Niro to decide for me.

P.S.: The arrow in the picture on the right shows where Robert De Niro was before I thought to take at least a picture.