15 January 2013

02 August 2012

For the ones of you passionate about Photoshop and interested in my tutorial, please click on this link.
20 June 2012
I find interesting the idea of making an animation to laugh about myself, and my friends agreed I'm exactly like my avatar (which I am not sure is a compliment).
What do you think about that?
To celebrate this event, I did this animation of a naked man that can buy anything he needs just by using my friend's site.
For the music I wanted a boogie and I have found my perfect piece in the song Woogie Boogie by Bob Dylan, and I posted the video on Youtube.
With my big surprise, in just a few seconds Youtube recognized and named the music, and with even bigger surprise, within less than 24 hours they obscured my video in most of the Countries (they kept it visible just in China and a few oders) because it represented a copyright infringement.
13 February 2012

Greece is living the worst crisis in modern times and it could be just the first country of a long list.
Today I found out that Germany and its lackey granted a loan to help Greece repaying the debt it had with them, opening the way to restrictions that could oppress people for generations.
In change of this big favor, Greece has been forced to buy enormous and useless quantities of wine produced by Germany and France.
No, wait, it's not very expensive wine Greece has been forced to buy, it's... cars? No, no. What was that...?
Congratulations peaceful Europe: this is a great message to give to humanity.
If you're strong you can abuse who is weak. Take advantage of any situations to mind your own business!
And an advice to Greece: try to go back to Germany for another loan, they might be more eager to give you better conditions now that you have the cannons.
12 December 2011
I like the idea of a so known company, working alongside emerging authors and I think the result is brilliant.
There are various videos you can browse, and this is one of them:
05 December 2011
Lately somebody stole my laptop with my precious scripts.
I know, I wish him to burn in hell, but this is not my purpose with this post.
Today I went to the Police for my deposition and the officer read me the report they have been working on.
- ...And then? - I asked when he finished.
- Well... As said, the guy has been arrested and bailed, so he will be questioned again in a few weeks, but I don't think we'll get back your computer...
- No, I mean... never mind.
I wanted to mean that that report was the best script I have ever read: it was essential, very visual and full of action, I have been instinctively taken by the telling and intrigued by the plot.
It might have been the best lesson on script writing I have ever attended, and an experience that sure improved my skills.
My advice to Script Writers is to find a way to read police reports to understand how to write a good script.
Possibly without having their laptop stolen.
28 November 2011
24 November 2011

For the ones of you who are not familiar with London, Leicester Square is one of the most crowded places in this town, especially when it's about the film industry. Here you have the most of the European premieres of the biggest blockbusters of the year, red carpets, people cueing for 5 hours just to take a snap shot of a celebrity and Artists drawing caricatures of the most respected Actors.
After the film my friend and I go to a coffee shop close by: a place I've never been into because it's too crowded with tourists, for it is right on the red carpet and it serves decent meals at a very cheap price.
I finish my latte and we prepare to go, when I see at a table, talking to someone...
- Stop staring at her, it's rude! - my friend says.
- Isn't she...?
Judi Dench, which I mostly know and respect for her performance as M in 007.
- How come she's... in this place?
- She chose to have a low profile meeting for not being bothered by people.
- And that's why she is in the Bat Cave of the Worldwide film fundamentalists travelling to London?
She really must have learnt something about secrecy from her James Bond films...