I lately met a Hollywood Producer whose neighbor is Keanu Reeves, and he told me he's one of the nicest persons he knows: hard to say he's actually one of the biggest Holywood stars.
So I told him an impression I had: I said that I met a number of film people now, and they have all been nice to me.
This world is not as dirty as it's said. I think this is because they all know how difficult is to make films, and are in general open minded and willing to exchange ideas, or tell their story, or looking for future collaborations.
And most of all, they all know there's not all that money people usually think: it's true we talk about projects worth millions, but when you start taking off the salaries for the Actors and the technicians, all the expenses, the cut for distributors and advertising and the money you have to give back to your investors, what it usually remains is very little.
He agreed with me and confirmed my opinion: the real nasty people in this business are the ones who don't really belong to it: Agents, Lawyers, and most of all Investors.
Most of the investors think they will put in your film project 100 and will take a million, and because they finance a (small) part of your project they own it. They ask to change the script, to cast some of their friends or fiancé or want to use your film to wash the money they earned illegally.
You have to face difficult situations: from a side, you want to make a film that costs an enormous amount of money and can't do alone. From the other side, accepting their offer could mean destroying your film project and yourself.
So you spend most of your time looking for money, and when you find someone interested, in most of the cases you have to turn his offer down.
This made me think of Jessica Rabbit as a metaphore of the movie business, and her famous sentence as the catching phrase movie people should use to present themselves to the World:
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way".
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